Our Periodontists at PerioLife utilize lasers for various periodontal and dental conditions. Dental Lasers have shown to provide additional benefits to traditional therapies and may provide a more non-invasive treatment option. Laser dentistry has little to no pain after treatment. Talk to your PerioLife Periodontist to see if laser dental treatment is an option for you.

Laser treatment around the gums can help reduce the number of bacteria in deep pockets and reduce pocket depths. In patients that have residual deep pockets in the gum tissue, laser gum treatment can be a great adjunct with other periodontal treatments. Dental lasers can enhance hygiene treatments and cleanings to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Furthermore, dental lasers can be used to remove various lesions in the mouth including fibromas, overgrown tissue, and other oral lesions. Dental lasers can also be used to cut away excess gum tissue, remove frenums, and cut away any excess tissue. There is minimal bleeding after using lasers as it cauterizes the tissues. The tissue can have a charred appearance afterward, however that charred tissue acts as a bandaid over the affected area which heals within a few days.